After pursuing a career in traditional Western medicine, life threw several curve balls, and pointed me in the direction of yoga. I began my personal practice as a source of injury management/prevention, but ultimately cultivated a deeply physical+spiritual practice; yoga became my medicine- for both my body and my mind.
In 2018, I travelled to Orange County, CA and earned my 200-hour teaching certificate at YogaWorks with Lesley Fightmaster. There, I studied the rich culture of Krishnamacharya's yoga lineage, focused on Ashtanga Vinyasa, Iyengar, and the teachings of Desikachar. 
I teach a practice focused on proper alignment, pranayama, and the spiritual aspects of yoga. I believe there is no particular "right way" to practice yoga, and that our practice can be both fun and intense. Whether you're looking for a way to deepen your meditation/connection to yourself, or to crosstrain for other athletic endeavors, I would love to be part of your yogi journey!